Yesterday was so very hot we couldn't sleep, we had no doona, only a sheet and Mr Cooly went all night. Harki put the 6 lots of squeaks squeaky toy in the paddle pool. Peri sat in the sun until she was a ball of fire and then came in for a giant drink of water and a big dribble on me!!! This morning we went for a lovely walk. We say the nice lady and her family and their 2 dogs and the old Golden Retriever. I have inadvertently turned Harki into a potential drug sniffing dog. Whenever she sees another dog she sits promptly and correctly!! When we see other dogs I always made her sit and have her lead on . It is a relief she doesn't want to sit forever., and comes when I call her!!! Peri has been at the party next door all afternoon and night. She sits at the fence and waits for a sausage. She is very patient and determined. She has been quiteplayful, playing with the 6 squeaks toy and romping with Harki too. She comes inside regularly just to le me know what she is doing!!! I actually think she hopes there might be something better to eat inside than out!!
Where do I begin to tell the story of the Labradors who win?
My word it is a long time since we wrote anything for the Labradors' blog!! They have been for 2 walks, a short one when I was still feeling boogelly, and a longer one today, complete with kangaroos!!! They have played a lot with their new toys and Harki sits near the treat container entreatingly gazing at it, and then at me. Peri has been very happy too. There has been a lot of playing as the weather has been cool and we all appreciate that. They have both been in the paddle pool a lot and so have the toys!! Today is GardyGardeners' day, but they are having 2 weeks off. The Labradors were so excited this morning but eventually gave up their vigil at the fence and front windows. They have had a big bone this afternoon and Harki has alternately guarded hers and growled at Peri or ignored it totally. They are having some dried pear and some cold squishy grapes as a treat!! We met Mary in town, she has Teddy a new fluffy white baby dog and he is a monster. Despite it all she loves him totally!!!
Today is Christmas Day. The Labradors received a lot of presents : a big green garbage bin full of rawhide chews, pigs' trotters, chewy bones, 2 kinds of yummy crunchy treats and 2 TeddyBunnies - a giraffe and a tiger, and 2 squeaky toys, with 6 arms, made in colourful plush fur with a different squeak in every arm. They are very happy. Today I met Dolly and Poppy. They are small but long lovely puppies, Dolly had long fur but Poppy feels the heat and has been clipped. They are like lap dogs and very quiet- not gallumphing great elephants like the Labradors. Tori Angel and Peri look like Auntie Janette's dog 'Tinker'!!!!!
Due to the dreaded lurgy the poor Labradors have been barely spoken to as I have almost lost my voice, and today was the first day they have had a walk since Saturday. It was with considerable delight then, that we trekked to the dam and engaged in a lovely walk!!! Joanie's Mum says that Joanie's brother, Brad, pops in every now and then. Joanie is a lovely Labrador whose bark is worse than her bite!! When I saw her today she had all her hackles up and she was woofing right up till the time she pushed her head into my hand for a lot of pats and cuddles!!! She is older than Harki and Peri and has no fences at her house but she NEVER RUNS AWAY!!! The Labradors would be gone like a shot!! In fact Tori led several escapes, one to the school oval , crossing many busy roads and taking Vundy with her!! Peri used to want to escape but now she loves Harki so much she can't bear to be parted from her. She has a pious awe of Harki. The GardyGardeners gave the Labradors a kangaroo bone each and I had to come back down the stairs as Peri wouldn't take hers as it was too close to Harki who was giving her the evil eye!! The Labradors sent Joanie and HollyPolly a present too. Hello to Brad, and to Luke too!! The Labradors hope you are well!!!!!
My boot scootin' baby, your paws look like they're grey-ey
The Labradors went for a walk 2 days ago. There was no water in the creek, but just enough mud so that when Harki went in she ended up with black gumboots on!!! By the time we got home they were clay grey and she spent a lot of time cleaning her paws. She didn't want to go into the paddle pool though. Peri has been a good girl, even though she apparently took my new Labrador mug into the garage, it wasn't chipped or broken at all. She likes to carry things but not really chew them anymore. We are not having a walk today as my cold has taken a turn for the worse into something else. They have been fed and we played Dingledangle toy for 45-60 minutes so they are having a nap now.
As I have a boogelly cold, we had a short walk and swim today. Peri swam and Harki paddles as per usual. Peri is getting very good at coming, about time too as she is almost 3!!! Harki will now eat pecans. Vundy, Tori and Peri all liked them but Harki never has. She must be hungry enough to eat them!! Peri has a new trick. She carries her plate or a container around in her mouth and I put a little bit of food in it and set carries it elsewhere and puts it down really carefully and then eats the food!! It is still cool and so we all , more or less, slept all night. I may sleep again soon. It is a goos thing the girls are trained to nap!!!
I love I love I love my could-be-on-a-calendar girls!!!!
Yesterday we went to the dam and the Labradors had a swim. Peri swims like a fish and brings back sticks so well. I has some stale ginger biscuits in my pocket and she came even when I didn't call her and she sat because she really liked them. Peri is so excited when she swims back with the stick she swallows water and has to cough. Harki paddled up to her belly which is as high as she likes to go without doing any of your actual swimming!!! She wanted to 'fetch' the giant tree trunk in the water and spent a lot of time not being able to do it. It wasn't a long walk as it was too hot so the swim was extra exercise.
Today we had a little walk to the bakery where I tied them to the bin and then they sat on command like they were posing for a calendar. Peri cries but they wait patiently. They were so cute!!! Harki has a little sore ear but I am putting ointment in it and she seems happy. It is much cooler as we has thunder and lightning storms. When I cam home Peri was soaking wet: she had obviously been happily capering in the rain. They are tired from the heat and have gone to bed.
The Labradors lurve Mr Cooly, they lie on the end of the bed and bask in his blowy coolness. It was so hot yesterday that after our walk I filled up the paddle pool again and then hosed them to keep them cool. It is hot inside the house, but cooler outside as there is generally a breeze and there is plenty of shade. Last night they were eating their bones together, sharing the rug outside, it was so cute. Peri had my boot when I came home but it had not been chewed at all, only dribbled on!!! They drink a lot of water though : they have a 10 litre plastic container inside and I fill it up often in the summer. Peri sometimes used to empty it!! but there is always the paddle pool outside.
The Labradors are big lumps of heat. Harki is so hot as she has been running up and down the stairs and performing crying and yipping at the fence. She is overwrought and now she is snoring!! Peri has been more playful now she feels better and she is asleep too. Mr Cooly, the sir conditioner, goes during the night now it is so warm and the Labradors lie on the end of the bed to catch all the coolest air. Harki was quite cold last night.
Mr Teddymonkey and Mr Teddytiger are in some pieces now, not capable of being thrown but both the girls like to carry various pieces around in their mouths and play tug-of-war. If it is any hotter I will have to hose them every afternoon to keep them cool. It is quite windy which takes the worst of the heat away.
Poor little Peri is such a good girl : even though she hates having drops in her eyes, I think it runs down the back of her throat and tastes awful, she comes and sits and has them!! We saw the man on the bike and his 2 small B&W dogs and the Indian lady with her short black Labrador. Whenever Harki sees someone coming she sits - I always make her sit when someone comes close, but now if she sees someone in the distance she plonks herself down straight away!!! They got 2 new Teddybunnies today : a tiger and a monkey. I also bought them some organic Dog Wax, which I have rubbed on them and then brushed in well, brushing out bales of fur as well. They really liked the lavender smell and it has calmed them to sleep!!!
Doctor, doctor gimme the news, I've got a bad case of eyes for you!!!
Last night Auntie Gaye gave me a Labrador soft toy for Christmas. The real Labradors at home were very excited and both wanted to snatch the toy Labrador and play with it but I would not let them. It was smelled severely though!! Thank you Auntie Gaye!!!
Peri went to the Vet to see Dr Tim. She was, coincidentally, there on December the second last year. It is definitely somenthing in the garden, She was loud and rowdy and so excited, she started being excited as we drove into the Vet. People patted her and she sat on the seat and her tail made the blind make a noise!!!
She had an injection and has some eye drops that need to be put in 3 times a day. Harki was sad and felt neglected but she is much happier today, although she had to have pretend drops as well!! When I popped next door Harki sat at the fence and yelped and cried as she was on the other side. Peri did her unclever trick : if she has something in her mouth and you offer her another thing, she can't work out what to do, it is like a computer error. In the end she tries to swallow the first thing really quickly, or if it is a bone, she looks longingly at the new treat but won't let go of the old one!!!