
Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Doctor, doctor gimme the news, I've got a bad case of eyes for you!!!

Last night Auntie Gaye gave me a Labrador soft toy for Christmas. The real Labradors at home were very excited and both wanted to snatch the toy Labrador and play with it but I would not let them. It was smelled severely though!! Thank you Auntie Gaye!!!
Peri went to the Vet to see Dr Tim. She was, coincidentally, there on December the second last year. It is definitely somenthing in the garden, She was loud and rowdy and so excited, she started being excited as we drove into the Vet. People patted her and she sat on the seat and her tail made the blind make a noise!!!
She had an injection and has some eye drops that need to be put in 3 times a day. Harki was sad and felt neglected but she is much happier today, although she had to have pretend drops as well!! When I popped next door Harki sat at the fence and yelped and cried as she was on the other side. Peri did her unclever trick : if she has something in her mouth and you offer her another thing, she can't work out what to do, it is like a computer error. In the end she tries to swallow the first thing really quickly, or if it is a bone, she looks longingly at the new treat but won't let go of the old one!!!


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