
Saturday, August 27, 2005

Preeeeesenting #2!!!!!!

Here are 2 pictures of Peri Naughty. Peri does not like to pose. Whenever she sees a camera or something that looks like a camera she gets very excited and bounces about a lot. As a consequence, most photos of Peri will have a bit of tail movement going on, at the very least!!!!!'She likes to stand on the aquarium stand that is at the end of the balcony, and she really loves to hold things in her mouth.


For the very first time, actual pictures of the Labradors!!! The first 2 are of Harki-Parki-Parker-Posey.

On the left, above, she is doing excellent posing for the camera.
On the right, she has dropped her toy down the front steps and she is looking for it. She is looking very intently!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Going Dotty

Today we are dotty!!!
  • Peri didn't roll in the dead wallaby at the dam. When I called her, she came!! Of course she rolled in something smelly later on. Back home, I kept smelling a boogelly smell around the house. I couldn't work out what it was , until I realised it was Peri following me around like a bad smell.
  • Harki and Peri have a new Squeaky ball toy each. The toys have survived destruction so far. They are spiny and quite squeaky. Peri was amazed that she could make that sound. Harki wants both of them and steals Peri's and holds them both in her mouth,. She is a bad girl!!
  • What faithful hounds they are. Last night I was out fairly late, for me, almost 11 I think?? maybe a bit later and when I came home, there they both were, waiting in the garage for me. I know they had been waiting a while as the security light was off, and they couldn't have come outside, set it off and waited only 5 minutes as the light stays on that long. From hearing the car to my arrival is less than 30 seconds. I love the Labradors!!!!

Friday, August 12, 2005


It is -3, 3 degrees below zero, minus three Celsius. The puddles, even big ones, were frozen over with a centimetre of ice, I could walk on some. Did this stop Peri? No, she went dippy diving in the creek at the dam this morning. In, a bit of a play, then out. In deference to the weather she only went dippy diving once, but I could tell she was mostly unaffected by the thought that she might develop icicles on her fur. Harki liked small half-melted puddles, but there was no full body water contact!!! Now we are home and the temperature inside is 10 C and the sun is beaming. No doubt there will be sunbaking later on, just as there was yesterday. Harki is now playing with her quoit, and hoping that Peri doesn't want to play. Yesterday she spent a happy, on her part, 15 minutes stealing the quoit. It was not a happy time for Harki!!!!!

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Happy Birthday to you!!!

Yesterday was Harki's birthday and she was 6!!! She needed something to cheer her up after being shut inside by herself for an hour the day before, while Peri went to the Vet. Peri saw Dr Malcolm and was sooooooo excited she made excited noises the entire time. She was, I like to say, very 'enthusiastic' about the whole visit. She was vaccinated and had a worm tablet and got 2 treats for being a good girl. Her mass is 36 kg which is fine.
Harki got a squeaky toy and a fluffy toy from me, and she chose a big squeaky pork chop toy from Aunty Captain Mrs Archer. She de-squeaked and de-stuffed everything within a few minutes, but Mr Chop was dropped in the shower this morning several times!!! Per got a squeaky hotdog and another toy, but she really only wants the one Harki has.
Peri has been tunnelling her way next door under the fence again, it is a quagmire, so we have put some rocks there and 2 bags of bark chips. This has fixed the quagmire problem for the moment at least.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Don't know why there's no Sun up in the sky.....

Stormy weather, something that the Labradors can't abide. We went for a walk on Thursday and it had been raining, but the weather seemed to have cleared. Half way through the walk the rain began to pelt down hard and the wind blew like a hurricane. Dead bits of trees fell on the path and the Labradors took one look ahead and when I said "Do you want to go home?" they ran back along the path at full speed. The rain was so hard that it hurt when you walked into it, and I was so wet I got straight into the shower when I got home. It is no use trying to dry the Labradors as they hate the hair dryer. Earlier in the week Peri rolled in something very smelly. Usually it dries and you can brush her clean, but this was made of sterner stuff, and I had to wash parts of her at bedtime and then dry her. The hair dryer scared the willies out of her. Even on the low speed she developed a hunted look and tried to hide behind the toilet. She looked at me as if I was trying to do something terrible. In the end I just sprinkled her with bicarb soda and then brushed her clean.
This week they got new toys and Harki has taught Peri that if it is a stuffed toy, your first duty is to pull all the stuffing out. The lounge room looked like a snow storm!!!