
Sunday, October 09, 2005

We're ba-ack!!!

We haven't been away, we haven't been on holiday, we haven't been sicker than usual : I have just been lazy...The Labradors have been fine. Harki has had FlippyFloppy ear again and there is some general itching from Spring afflicting Peri and Harki, but they are otherwise well. Harki is so thin!!!!! She has lost 6 kg and has a mass of only 36kg. This means that she is thin, thin, thin!!!
Peri has been good, she hasn't eaten any shoes though she ate my favourite stripy shoebox, Oh and yesterday she ran away next door and out the front and I had to fetch her from next door's garden. Harki was cross, angry, frustratd and jealous all at once. Peri loves to swim and as the weather has been warm and rainy she has had a swim almost every time we have been for a walk. Harki swims a little but she has been driving us all mad with her squeaky toy : but I am her mother so I indulge her. We are having a day at home tomorrow - no walk even though it will be walk day, as I am not well. They are curently fascinated and addicted to rice cakes - 99% brown rice and with no calories to speak of. They love them to death...
Peri us particularly affectionate at the moment and is learning to 'drop'. Harki can sit, drop and roll over, but I am thinking that 'drop' will be fine for Peri at the moment. You can teach an old dog new tricks, though the Labradors are only 6 ( Harki) and 3 3/4(Peri) .
This picture is the Labradors running towrds me as we go home from our walk at the dam.. Harki in the front and Peri bringing up the rear...


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