A diet a day keeps the vet growls away!!!
Today we had a swim at the dam. Harki fetched a stick and Peri had big swims. They run down the slope and into the water. There was a man in a small boat and Peri was thinking about swimming out to him, luckily I was able to distract her. We saw a gangly Labrador pup with her dad. Peri was especially good twice and came to have her lead on. Harki is on her diet and seems to be happy and playful. At the moment it is tennis balls and occasionally a piece of a TeddyBunny which is very hard to throw. In a fortnight Harki will have to go to the Vet's to be weighed ( technically to have her mass measured!!0 to see if she has lost or gained. I wonder if it will help if I take her before breakfast??? We have missed a walk this week as I have been quite tired. Today we didn't even leave till after 9 am and tomorrow we will stay at home all day.The Labradors had some grapes as a treat today. They are tasty and they are fruit and they are healthy. Now the Labradors are glad to have some cooked zucchini as a treat!!!
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