
Monday, February 28, 2005

Duck Duck Goose!!!

Well, Harki and Peri are on a diet!! They are sad and hungry, so hungry they ate curried zucchini soup!!!!
We went for walks on Thursday and Saturday, but as I went on a day trip I was tired so we went on a walk down by the river today. Both the Labradors went into the silt settling ponds, chasing the duckies through the bullrushes and generally cavorting in the water. We saw a Lab-cross and she was 15 years old!!!! She was a happy chappy!!!
Di gave me two old tennis balls Mark had found for Harki and Peri. Before I had even shut the gate, Harki had ferreted in the bag and found the balls and run away with them, with great glee!! We have had to play with the balls till today, when we had to play with the DingleDangle toy. Peri keeps stealing the balls and toys and running away with them as she is a wicked girl!!! It is so much cooler that we are all happier and enjoying the breeze, hoping for rain too.


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