
Monday, January 10, 2005

Happy Birthday Peri

Today is Peri's birthday and she is a big 3 year old today. Yesterday at the Evandale market I bought a teddy and a bunny - 2 TeddyBunnies!!! How apt- for just $3 altogether. I washed them and Peri chose the Teddy. I wrapped them up, one each, and this morning we sang Happy Birthday to Peri and they opened their presents. Well, Harki did. I taught Harki to sit, and wait until the song was over, and then she could open it, and she did. I have neglected Peri's education. She just carried her presents around in her mouth. I had to show her it was perfectly acceptable to rip open the present. Of course they then looked at each others' toys and immediately swapped!!! Then they had lovely Stephanie Alexander recipe dog food with chicken in it, and garlic flavoured cat-shaped biscuits that I cooked yesterday. Peri is overcome and has had to go for a nap. Harki played with her DingleDangle toy and Teddy, but she is having a sleep as well. When I came home yesterday I was so very tired, but they were so excited to see me. Harki ran around and around in circles on the spot and Peri was beside herself. I gave them a bone so I could go to bed!!!


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