
Monday, October 25, 2004

Blue's Chews

Today Harki was up at 5-30 am frolicking in the hall, playing loudly with thumping sounds. We all had so much sleep yesterday, she was extra awake. We went to get the paper and then it started raining so the Labradors played in the rain for a while.
This afternoon they got a new present each, a blue stuffed dog toy - when you squeeze the belly it goes

( in a high pitched way) 'Woof, woof, woofwoofwoof, whine, whine'. Peri is not sure whether it is actually alive or not, but she can sometimes make it woof. Harki recognised it immediately as a type of TeddyBunny and proceeded very competently to make it woof, and then to pull the stuffing out. After this whirl of activity, they are now having a nap. Oh and they had lovely sardines for lunch!!!


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