
Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Labradors in Pyjamas aren't coming down the stairs

Yesterday we stayed in our pyjamas all day and only went to get the letters and the papers. Peri is much better, all the trauma of the ointment seems to have worked and although her muzzle is pink, it is pink and not raw looking. Harki is in fine form today. We had a lovely walk and they smelled a big trailer and had a dip. I made them new biscuits, oat and garlic, and they must be mighty tasty as they run to have one. Uncle GardyGardener came today and Harki was so excited she was beside herself. She did 'drop', which is the ultimate in begging. Peri did a big skid, running from the window to do a perpendicular turn into the hall she did a 180 degrees slide and hit the wall of the kitchen!!! It didn't hurt or even wind her. She is such a good girl now she is almost 3. We have played DingleDangle ball and had a play outside too.


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