
Saturday, October 09, 2004

Day 4

Today is Election Day and we all slept till 8-15 am and then the dog door was opened and the labradors fed. Then back to bed . At 10-30 Harki and Peri began a round of Greco-Roman wrestling and there was no more sleep. Hiding under the doona did no good. Harki stands beside the bed and nudges determinedly until finally you look out and then there is a furious wagging of the tail!!!
They had a beef bone to chew at about 1 pm then off to vote. Always vote in biro incase someone rubs out your vote. I like to vote below the line and fill in all the numbers. On the north island some ballot papers have almost 300 candidates and you would go through an awful lot of pencils.
We have had a play with the stick, which is currently wrapped in purple zebra striped fake fur fabric - don't ask.
It is hot and Peri has been sunbaking but we are all inside now in the cool.
Today I saw 2 thin Labs, a black and a golden, and a golden Lab going for a ride in the car!!!
I think a more formal nap will be called for soon.......


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