Day 2
Today is Agricultural Show Day. Auntie Mrs Captain Archer's ( blatant pseudonym to protect the innocent)(who is my particular friend. I love Pride and Prejudice) class won first prize with the quilt they made!!!!
We woke at 6 am, but I had a headache so I opened the dog door, and then we all slept till 10-10am!!
Peri played with an empty tissue box and spent a good deal of time trying to get into the bed - not allowed. I spent a great deal of time holding her back paw and tickling it. Harki wanted a pat. They had to have simultaneous pats. Peri likes to ask with her paw and then hold on with it and that makes it particularly difficult to continue patting!!!
For breakfast they had a savoury custard made from the poaching liquid, skin etc from the smoked grenadier, thickened, and their dry dog food. There was no walk this morning, but there will be tomorrow.
I went to Auntie Mrs Captain Archer's and made a curtain too long ( no Alec Guiness you see) and it rained very hard.
Sensibly the Labradors had spent the day in the shade of the garage and were not all wet. They had a biscuit. I made bone shaped biscuits with a cutter that was a gift from Auntie Mrs Captain Archer ( I can say this more times than Mark Latham can say "Ease the Squeeze") .
Now they are sleeping again. I think I shall make a graph of how long they sleep. It will be the majority of the day I expect. I shall adjust the clock to our time too.
Despite the day being a holiday here in the north, the postman still came. We received 5 lots of election propaganda and no letters!!! But there were shopping brochures. We like those.
More from the Labradors tomorrow!!
PS Hello Uncle Bradley
PPS Hello HollyPolly
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